Counselling as a warm embrace of all of you…
In my world, counselling is essentially a warm, all-encompasing embrace that has you relax into the truth; that you are first okay as you are and then; that there is someone, there with you, on your side, to journey with.
Then, defenses and upheld identities easily melts away, allowing you to open and honestly meet with what is calling and ready to be addressed in life, in You ~ be it surface level issues, relational challenges, or something way deeper…
To honestly see into something with open eyes is powerful and transformational ~ and my job, as a counsellor, and spaceholder, is to help you meet the inner fragments and voices, to reflect back to you, some of what you might not see of your self, or of your potential and deeper inner nature, while also offering you straightforward and direct feedback aimed at empowering your most honest and authentic self.
Clients find me when…..
Emotional and crisis management:
- Clients find me when they go throug any kind of life crisis.
- When they need someone to listen, see them, and feel them.
Relationship & communication:
- When they want to be more real in their relationships.
- When they want to learn how to respond instead of react.
Personal growth & self-exploration:
- When they need help to face the things they can’t, or won’t, easily look at, but know are there…
- When they want to explore existential questions and know more about who and what they are ~ fundamentally and profoundly
Spiritual & energetic experiences:
- When they have energetic, or spiritual experiences they want to explore, and understand
And more….
“In our meetings you get to discover the You, you always knew was there…waiting. You will see how your painful experiences in life are actually pointing you to that real You, by revealing a way of relating that doesn’t work and isn’t really true.
You get to know how you can direct your attention to deeper and finer aspects of you – levels in you of real beauty and meaning, instead of believing your painful thoughts and emotions. You will learn to see and discern the difference between the two ways of being and how that can bring change to all areas of your life”